Saturday, August 25, 2012

My role on The Real Housewives of Atlanta

   It's hard to get your priorities straight these days. Too many things need my attention, that's why I think I'll have to turn down my role on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

   O.K., so I haven't officially been asked but why wouldn't I? I live just a few miles from where they film the show and I have a husband. Of course, my husband isn't a famous athlete, business mogul or hip hop star. And I'm not a rich, spoiled diva with nothing better to do then run people down and plan my next plastic surgery.
I am however a real Atlanta housewife. Unlike those on T.V. I actually work a job and take care of my own family and house. I even mow the yard upon occasion. 

  So why don't I get to be a T.V. star with an entourage? Probably because I mind my own business, keep my mouth shut and don't complain about things that are my own fault.

What an idiot I am!

   My mom should have taught me to take offense easily, live beyond my means, and belittle my husband for not giving me everything I ask for! Geesh mom, what were you thinking by teaching me to work hard and have values? I am so out of touch!

   I don't think it's too late for me though. If I keep watching all of these reality shows I'm sure I could learn to be a prima donna.
Rich though, that might take some doing. I shop for bargains, clip coupons and cut my own hair (and yeah, you can tell).

   So maybe I'm not cut out to be a Real Housewife of Atlanta, I'll just have to settle for being a real housewife. I think Alvin will approve.

Check out my Etsy site where I sell stuff.

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