Saturday, July 13, 2013

I am a writer and so can you!

I don't remember learning to write but as soon as I did I started writing stories.They were pretty bad, a lot like fan fiction. All of them starring me or a version of me. 

Later I gave up that dream for the dream of being a photographer for National Geographic then photo journalist for National Geographic. Come to think of it Nat Geo was the only swanky magazine that I knew of. It was the Dark Ages after all.

Eventually marriage and motherhood made me give up the dream. Too busy taking care of baby to write much, I continued to write but not stories. And I would never be as good as Stephen King so why bother. 

But lately I've been wishing that I hadn't given it up entirely because I think that I could have made a good living as a travel writer. 

 What a life! Getting paid for going on vacation!

I may yet pursue that career but for now I've taken to writing stories again.

My latest story is about how the dinosaurs really died and it's not what you think. Yep, it's a real page turner.

I don't  how long it will take me to finish. Stories kind of evolve. 

When I'm finished I'll let you know how it all ends. Then maybe my dream will come true and I will be an actual writer! Go Me! 

Check out my Etsy site where I sell stuff.

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